Jeff Graham Wins Poster Award at the TMS Meeting

Jeff Graham Wins Poster Award at the TMS Meeting

February 25, 2020


The Nuclear Engineering Department is pleased to announce that Jeff Graham, a graduate student in Peter Hosemann's nuclear materials research group, took first place for his poster Cold Sprayed ODS Alloys: Mechanical Evaluation in the TMS2020 Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications section. Cold spraying is an additive manufacturing technique based on metal-to-metal consolidation by means of high-strain-rate plastic deformation, and offers a means of creating complex parts from advanced nanostructured alloys for use in next-generation nuclear reactors. The work presented evaluated the mechanical soundness of parts made of cold-sprayed ferritic stainless steel, and has shown both where the process has promise and what challenges it confronts. His work has been critical in identifying necessary research thrusts in order to bring this technology from the laboratory to industrial application. Jeff's distinctive accomplishments reflect great credit upon himself, the Hosemann research group, and UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering.

Application of Advanced Modeling and Simulation Tools to KP-FHR Licensing

Kairos_Power_2019_0091_cropped (1)
MON, 02/24/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2020 Colloquium Series

Advanced modeling and simulation tools have been under development at national laboratories, universities and research institutes around the world.  These tools have progressed to a point where a new reactor type can benefit from them and shed the baggage of legacy tools.  The challenges are taking these tools that have been the primary focus of research and elevating them to a pedigree to license with a regulator.  These challenges vary by the tool but can be summarized in three general areas, Verification, Validation and Configuration Management.  These three areas require more significant rigor than was previously applied typical research work.  This talk will present some of the examples of how we are accomplishing this at Kairos.

About the Speaker:

Mr. Brandon Haugh is the Director, Modeling, and Simulation at Kairos Power. He is currently directing teams for the development of modeling and simulation tools for the Kairos Power Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (KP FHR). Development efforts are focused on system modeling, fuel performance, high-temperature materials and source term modeling for licensing and deployment of the KP FHR.

Previously, Mr. Haugh was Director, Innovation and Special Projects for Studsvik Scandpower Inc. with a focus on business development, licensing and deployment of LWR core design tools. Mr. Haugh also worked for NuScale Power, where he was the initial reactor physicist and helped originate the reactor analysis organization.

Mr. Haugh earned his M.S. at the Oregon State University in nuclear engineering in 2002. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).  (

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Applied nuclear science and engineering at Los Alamos

MON, 02/10/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2020 Colloquium Series
Co-hosted with NSSC

I will describe research at Los Alamos that is advancing our US nuclear technology capabilities. Some of the applied areas we are working on are described: stockpile stewardship, and nuclear threat reduction. Experimental and simulation work related to our LANSCE facility, and our work at Nevada, are discussed.

About the Speaker:

Mark Chadwick obtained his PhD from Oxford and has had a thirty year career at Los Alamos. He led the simulation code division (that includes the MCNP) and has led the DOE/NNSA Science Campaigns program that funds experimental work at LANL. He also leads  the multi-lab US collaboration effort on cross section evaluations for the ENDF (evaluated neutron data file) database. Chadwick is an APS Fellow and a Los Alamos Laboratory Fellow.

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National Academy of Engineering

Professor Per Peterson, Elected to the National Academy of Engineering

February 07, 2020


The Nuclear Engineering Department would like to recognize our very own Professor Per Peterson on his elected membership to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Per Peterson was elected for his distinguished contributions in experimental and analytical research for the design and development of passive safety systems for advanced nuclear reactors.

Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant contributions to the engineering literature" and to "the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology, making major advancements in traditional fields of engineering, or developing/implementing innovative approaches to engineering education."

For more information, click here.

Fung Feature: Juhi Nandwani, MEng ’20 (NE)

Fung Feature: Juhi Nandwani, MEng ’20 (NE)

January 24, 2020


One of our MEng students, Juhi Nandwani, MEng' 20 (NE) was featured on the Fung Institutes website for her work on growing the healthcare system in Belize and the importance of self-care.

The feature highlights her background as well as what inspired her to work in the field of nuclear engineering. She says, "My parents always advised me that choosing a career path is not about fiscal outcomes; rather, it is about pursuing a career that will bring you happiness. After years of considering what I would be happy doing every day, I finally chose nuclear engineering and radiological sciences, a field that changed my life greatly while I was working towards obtaining my radiation therapist license. The lack of radiation oncology in the medical field in my home country, Belize, initially led me to radiation therapy as a baccalaureate major. Belize as a country does not have the equipment and funds to invest in a radiation oncology department in any of our hospitals at this time. This task is in the hands of the current and future generations."

Keep up the good work Juhi! To read the full article, click here.

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