Nuclear Energy Institute (Policy) Internship Opportunities

Nuclear Energy Institute (Policy) Internship Opportunities

February 26th, 2019

Areas of interest:
- Nuclear Generation
- Policy Development
- Government Affairs
- Communications
Internships are 10-weeks long during summer.  Unofficial transcripts are acceptable and the revised deadline is ASAP but anytime before March 15th.
Feel free to reach out to Harsh S. Desai at for any questions.

Measuring Carbon-in-soil Distribution using an Associate Particle Imaging System

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MON, 02/25/2019 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2019 Colloquium Series

Associated Particle Imaging (API) is a nuclear technique that allows for the nondestructive determination of 3D isotopic distributions. The technique is based on the detection of the alpha particles associated with the neutron emitted in the deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion reaction, which provides information regarding the direction and time of the emitted 14 MeV neutron. Inelastic neutron scattering leads to characteristic gamma-ray emission from certain isotopes, for example 12 C, that can be correlated with the neutron interaction location. An API system consisting of a sealed-type neutron generator, amma
detectors, and a position-sensitive alpha detector is under development for the nondestructive quantification of carbon distribution in soils. The talk will give an overview of the project.

About the Speaker:

Arun Persaud is a Staff Scientist in the Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Division (ATAP) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL). He studied Physics in Darmstadt, Germany and worked for his PhD at LBL on a quantum computer project where his research was focused on building tools for single ion implantation. He received his PhD in 2007 from the University of Frankfurt, Germany. After a Postdoc at LBL he became a Staff Scientist and works now mostly on ion accelerators as well as neutron generators and gamma detectors.

Exploring Beam-Wave Interactions in Pursuit of Next Generation Accelerators

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MON, 02/11/2019 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2019 Colloquium Series

Accelerators ranging from midscale RF photoinjectors for femtosecond electron-diffraction
experiments, to kilometer long x-ray free electron lasers that produce femtosecond x-ray pulses
are utilized to resolve materials with atomic precision on femtosecond timescales. While the
performance and recent results of these facilities are extraordinary, ensuring their continued
vitality requires us to explore new accelerator physics and innovate the next generation of
technology. One approach to achieving performance and accelerating gradients orders of
magnitude above present capabilities is to dramatically increase the operational frequency into
the Terahertz (THz) range. We are exploring accelerating structures designed to withstand high
gradients and able to manipulate high-charge beams on femtosecond timescales; developing
novel electronic and photonic THz sources; and laying the foundation for THz accelerator
technology. Results from recent experiments on THz accelerators will be presented, along with
future outlook and impact in related fields from spectroscopy to communications.

About the Speaker:

Emilio Nanni received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from MIT in 2013. He joined SLAC
National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University in 2015; his research is focused high
power, high-frequency vacuum electron devices; optical THz amplifiers; electron-beam
dynamics; advanced accelerator concepts; and compact, efficient accelerator systems. Prior to
joining SLAC, he completed his postdoc at MIT with a joint appointment in the Nuclear Reactor
Lab and the Research Laboratory for Electronics at MIT where he participated in the
demonstration of the first acceleration of electrons with optically generated THz pulses. He
completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
2013 where he worked on high-frequency high-power THz sources and the development of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometers using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.

Application for CASL Summer Institute 2019

Application for CASL Summer Institute 2019

February 4th, 2019


"The deadline for application for CASL Institute is March 15. Please encourage your students to apply.

CASL: The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors Education Program is excited to announce the registration for fourth annual CASL Summer Intensive. Please plan to join us at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC on August 5-16, 2019.

The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) Institute will introduce participants to CASL and the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) framework and component codes. Through the CASL Institute, participants will receive instruction on radiation transport, thermal hydraulics, fuel performance, multi-physics coupling and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Over the course of the Institute, through both lecture and practical work sessions, participants will learn how to use individual component codes through the VERA framework (MPACT, COBRA-TF, and BISON ) will be able to run a variety of test problems. In addition, the Institute will include instruction on and practice in utilizing high performance computing resources. After successful completion of the Institute and meeting certification requirements by completing a team project, participants will earn the CASL-VERA Certificate. An overview of the current draft agenda is attached.

In order to participate for this innovative gathering please use the following link to apply for admission for the CASL Institute:

This is an application and does not guarantee admission.

Application deadline is March 15. Students who are accepted to participate in CASL Institute 2019 will be informed by April 12.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Sherry Bailey at or (919) 515-1897."

For more information:

When to hold it, when to fold it, when to play it right

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MON, 02/04/2019 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2019 Colloquium Series
This talk will give an overview of intellectual property and discuss the different types of IP that the University licenses to external partners.  We will also give an overview of industry sponsored research (and how it differs from federal funding) and talk about the rights Berkeley offers to research sponsors (and why).  We will share University resources and contacts for questions, invention disclosures, and software.  We will also discuss the general process for patent protection, options for open source licensing, and issues that can arise with accepting software, data, or materials from external partners.
About the Speaker:
Lalah Shayesteh, Senior Licensing Officer, Office of Technology Licensing
Laleh is Senior Licensing Officer at UC Berkeley’s Office of Technology Licensing where she develops IP strategy and oversees licensing for life sciences, chemistry, medical instruments, physical sciences, engineering, and software technologies. Additionally, she handles trademark and copyright matters, open source compliance, and government grant and contract IP matters.  Laleh is a trained scientist and worked for several years in research before practicing law. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, she performed population genetics research at Stanford, pediatric brain tumor research and ovarian cancer research at UCSF, brain tumor research at University of Chicago, and comparative genomics research at Exelixis. She then embarked on a law career and became a patent agent at Exelixis, followed by a director of IP and assistant general counsel for IP matters at SRI.  Laleh holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics from UC San Francisco and a J.D. from Concord Law School. She is a member of California State Bar and is also registered to practice before the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Kate Lewis, Associate Director, Industry Alliances Office
Kate Lewis is an Associate Director in the Industry Alliances Office at UC Berkeley.   She has been at UC Berkeley for more than 13 years ago spent time in the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory and Sponsored Projects Office prior to joining the Industry Alliances Office.  She focuses on business development with industry partners, facilitating sponsored research between companies and faulty, negotiating industry contracts, and in-licensing in the Industry Alliances Office. Kate received her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Sociology and is an active participant in the Industry Contract Officers Network and the Society for Research Administrators.  In her spare time, Kate enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, traveling, and cooking.

4153 Etcheverry Hall, MC 1730 (map) University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

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