Archive for July 2018
Berkeley Lab Team Wins Data-Driven Scavenger Hunt for Simulated Nuclear Materials
Berkeley Lab Team Wins Data-Driven Scavenger Hunt for Simulated Nuclear Materials Competing in a fictitious high-stakes scenario, a group of scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) bested two dozen other teams in a months-long, data-driven scavenger hunt for simulated radioactive materials in a virtual urban environment. The goal of…
Read MoreDoE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security attends program review featuring the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium
Department of Energy Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration attends program review featuring the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium July 17th, 2018 The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC), a multi-institution initiative headquartered at UC Berkeley, participated in the annual Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Defense…
Read MoreNew Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced
New Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced July 02, 2018 The Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science announces the new Energy Frontier Research Centers. 100M$ will fund 42 EFRC’s ( These 4 year centers will received between $2M and $4M annually and will help accelerate scientific understanding in diverse energy related fields including catalysts,…
Read MoreMax Fratoni wins ANS Early Career Reactor Physicist Award
Max Fratoni wins ANS Early Career Reactor Physicist Award July 2nd, 2018 UCBNE Faculty Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni will be presented the award at the RPD session at the ANS Winter Meeting, November 2018 – “For his numerous significant contributions to the conception and design of advanced reactors, and for his dedication to training the future generations of…
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