Impact of radiation-induced changes in dimension, mechanical properties and composition of reactor structural components

Impact of radiation-induced changes in dimension, mechanical properties and composition of reactor structural components, Francis "Frank" A. Garner, Research Scientist, Nuclear Engineering Department of Texas A&M University

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Francis "Frank" A. Garner
Research Scientist, Nuclear Engineering Department of Texas A&M University
Professor, Department of Materials Science of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
President, Radiation Effects Consulting LLC
MON, 10/26/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Fall 2020 Colloquium Series

The economics and safety of nuclear reactors often is limited more by issues concerning structural materials than by fuel or nuclear issues. When subjected to neutron irradiation at elevated temperatures alloys used to construct the structural components of nuclear reactors undergo extensive changes in microstructure, microchemistry and often phase stability.

These microstructural and microchemical changes can lead to significant dimensional distortion and changes in volume of reactor components via the interactive processes of transmutation, radiation-induced precipitation, void swelling and irradiation creep. Additionally, there are often strong changes induced in the mechanical properties of structural steels.

A review of these phenomena and their impact on the continued functionality and lifetime of reactor structural components will be presented.

About the Speaker:

Frank Garner has five decades of experience in studying radiation damage phenomena in structural materials for all types of nuclear reactors and charged particle irradiation devices. Retired from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory since 2009, he currently holds three positions. He serves as a half-time Research Scientist in the Nuclear Engineering Department of Texas A&M University and a half-time Professor in the Department of Materials Science of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in Russia. He is also President of Radiation Effects Consulting LLC, serving foreign and domestic nuclear entities.

ARG-US Remote Monitoring Systems for Packagings of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials

31220D, Yung Liu portrait
Yung Liu
Senior Nuclear Engineer and Manager Packaging Certification & Life Cycle Management Program
Decision and Infrastructure Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
MON, 10/19/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Fall 2020 Colloquium Series


In this talk, I will describe the ARG-US (meaning watchful guardian) remote monitoring systems technology developed by Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne) under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy Packaging Certification Program, Office of Packaging and Transportation, Office of Environmental Management. Over the past 12 years, Argonne has developed, demonstrated, and deployed two patented technology systems: the smart drum technology and the remote area modular monitoring (RAMM)/TRAVELER, with the goal of enhancing the safety, security, and safeguards (3S) of packaging containing nuclear and other radioactive materials, including spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste during storage, transportation and disposal. Highlights are provided for selected use cases of ARG-US remote monitoring systems in critical facilities, tracking and monitoring nuclear cargos during vehicle and rail shipments, geo-fencing and transport security plan, and a brief discussion of future directions.

About the Speaker:

Yung Y. Liu, ScD, Nuclear Engineering, MIT, is Senior Nuclear Engineer and Manager of the Packaging Certification and Life Cycle Management Group, Decision & Infrastructure Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory. He is responsible for managing a portfolio of research and development programs supported by the US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) programs with industry, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan. He interacts frequently with staff at government agencies, industries, other national laboratories, and the IAEA on technical and regulatory issues related to the safety, security, and safeguards of nuclear and other radioactive hazardous materials, including spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. Dr. Liu has over 35 years of experience as principal investigator, theorist, experimenter, innovator, educator, and manager of various materials and engineering programs related to nuclear fission, fusion, and advanced fossil energy systems. More recently in the last decade, he has been leading the development and applications of the patented ARG-US (“The Watchful Guardian”) radiofrequency identification (RFID)/CommBox, Remote Area Modular Monitoring (RAMM)/TRAVELER systems technology for tracking and monitoring high-risk and high-value materials during storage and transportation, as well as in aging management and application of advanced surveillance technology for extended storage and transportation of spent nuclear fuel.

Restoring connection: evolution of engineered cover designs for abandoned legacy waste with respect to Indigenous People

Dr. Carrie Nuva Joseph (Hopi)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Indigenous Environmental Health Research
University of Arizona (UA)
MON, 10/12/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Fall 2020 Colloquium Series

The US EPA estimates there are approximately 15,000 defense-related abandoned uranium mines located in 14 states with an estimated 75% on federal and tribal land. Of those locations, over 500 abandoned mines and 1100 features are in the Four-Corners region. Uranium mill tailings, often referred to as legacy waste, comprise the largest volume of any category of radioactive waste in the Nation. Within the Department of Energy- Legacy Management significant investment is being made to understand the latest science and technology to improve the long-term management strategies for uranium mill tailings sites; however, what often gets left at the hindsight is how land disturbance as a result of extraction has unjustly positioned Indigenous People to respond to the unique challenges this presents in their communities. The research presented in this talk will 1) briefly discuss the historical implications of nuclear defense industries on Indigenous People, 2) the science and engineering behind the evolution of disposal cover designs for sites managed by the Department of Energy, and 3) how community-driven research is being used to address environmental and human exposure concerns in a community located within a region of where extensive uranium mining and milling took place. 

About the Speaker:

Dr. Carrie Nuva Joseph (Hopi) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Center for Indigenous Environmental Health Research at the University of Arizona (UA). She received her Ph.D. from UA’s Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science. She specializes in the chemical and biogeophysical relationships between natural and engineered landscapes impacted by hazardous waste and human disturbance. Her interdisciplinary efforts also include research on climate change impacts, human exposures to anthropogenic contaminants, hydrology, and water resource management in Indigenous communities.  Using a holistic lens, Dr. Joseph’s work informs decision-making in science and policy, to advance social equity and data sovereignty efforts in marginalized populations. Dr. Joseph is a recipient of numerous honors and award including her previous department’s 2019 Outstanding Dissertation Award and the National Congress of American Indian’s 40 under 40 in Indian CountryCarrie is a citizen of the Hopi Nation, where she was born and raised. She is of the Coyote clan and child of the Snow clan from the Village of Moencopi.

Rapid Nuclear Materials Discovery Through Innovative Approaches to Characterization

Kevin Field
Associate Professor
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
University of Michigan
MON, 10/02/2020 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Fall 2020 Colloquium Series


Materials can play a pivotal role in advancing the state of nuclear energy both domestically and abroad by increasing safety, efficiency, and operational lifetime. Until recently, most advances in materials design for nuclear energy have been incremental – slight changes of composition here or tweaks in microstructure there. This talk will focus on research directions to enable rapid breakthroughs in the development of advanced steels by exploiting innovative approaches to shorten the time associated with characterization and analysis in post irradiation examination efforts. Specifically, recent results on the use of shielded magnetic small angle neutron scattering (SM-SANS) for replacing (or supplementing) APT characterization efforts of nanoscale precipitates in irradiated cladding will be discussed. The presentation will progress towards a discussion regarding a coupled framework for automated dislocation loop detection and analysis based upon on-zone Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) dislocation imaging with deep learning-based feature detection and tracking algorithms. Both efforts will be cast towards how the techniques enabled accelerated decision making on alloy concentration selections for FeCrAl alloys in Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) nuclear fuel cladding. The presentation will conclude on how these high throughput characterization strategies are being applied for new alloy classes and designs including novel alloy microstructures enabled through additive manufacturing techniques.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Kevin Field is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan where his research specializes in alloy development and radiation effects in ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. His active research interests include advanced electron microscopy and scattering-based characterization techniques, additive/advanced manufacturing for nuclear materials, and the application of machine/deep learning techniques for advanced innovation in characterization and development of material systems. Prof. Field moved to the University of Michigan in the Fall of 2019 after six years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory t. Prof. Field has presented and published numerous manuscripts on radiation effects in various material systems relevant for nuclear power generation including irradiated concrete performance, deformation mechanisms in irradiated steels, and radiation tolerance of enhanced accident tolerant fuel forms. Dr. Field received his B.S. (2007) from Michigan Technological University in Materials Science & Engineering and his M.S. (2009) and Ph.D. (2012) from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Materials Science with a focus on segregation phenomena in ion and neutron irradiated ferrous-based alloys. Dr. Field’s work has been recognized through several avenues including receiving the prestigious Alvin M. Weinberg Fellowship from ORNL in 2013 and being awarded the UT-Battelle Award for Early Career Researcher in Science and Technology in 2018 and Department of Energy Early Career Award in 2020.

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