Fall 2023 Colloquium Series
The Berkeley Space Center
SPEAKER: Alexandre Bayen Liao-Cho Professor, EECS; Associate Provost for the Berkeley Space Center DATE/TIME: MON, 11/27/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract This talk will describe the latest development of the Berkeley Space Center, a project in which UC Berkeley is developing a 36 acres parcel at NASA Ames (Moffett Field, near…
Read MoreMicrofluidics Separations for Field-Deployable Nuclear Forensics
SPEAKER: Jennifer Shusterman Staff Scientist, LLNL DATE/TIME: MON, 11/13/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract The Nuclear and Radiochemistry group at LLNL works on a wide variety of projects ranging from nuclear forensics to stockpile stewardship to fundamental studies in super heavy element production and chemistry. An overview of some of the…
Read MoreChemistry and physics of graphite in molten fluoride salts
SPEAKER: L Vergari Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign DATE/TIME: MON, 11/06/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract Graphite is a ubiquitous material in nuclear engineering. Within Generation IV designs, graphite serves as a reflector or fuel element material in Fluoride-Salt-Cooled-High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs), Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs),…
Read MoreINL’s Role in Advanced Reactor Demonstration and New Modeling & Simulation Capabilities
SPEAKER: Dr. Abdalla Abou-Jaoude Advanced Reactor Research Integrator DATE/TIME: MON, 10/30/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is at the forefront of the nation’s advanced reactor R&D effort. Advanced reactor are a promising form of baseload carbon free energy generation and several studies are expecting them to play…
Read MoreBoiling Heat Transfer Experimental Research at MIT: Accomplishments, Open Questions, and Future Directions
SPEAKER: Dr. Matteo Bucci Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT DATE/TIME: MON, 10/23/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract In every field of science, the possibility of discovering and understanding new phenomena, or testing new hypotheses, is strongly related to and limited by the capability of observation. Here, we will…
Read MoreNeed for Speed in Scintillation Detectors
SPEAKER: Dennis R. Schaart, PhD Head, Medical Physics & Technology Delft University of Technology DATE/TIME: MON, 10/16/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract Remarkable progress is being made in the development of ultrafast scintillation detectors, driven by the need for detectors with better time resolution and/or higher count rate capability in medical…
Read MoreCoal-to-Nuclear Repowering for a Just Transition
SPEAKER: Jessica Lovering Executive Director, Good Energy Collective DATE/TIME: MON, 10/9/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract This talk will focus on the intersection between policies to decarbonize our energy system and efforts to ensure a just transition for fossil-fuel workers and dependent communities. One opportunity that has emerged is the potential…
Read MoreNext-generation neutrino detection with Eos
SPEAKER: Professor Gabriel O. Gann Associate Professor of Physics, UC Berkeley Faculty Scientist, LBNL DATE/TIME: MON, 10/2/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract Neutrinos are some of the most fascinating particles that occur in nature. Over one billion times lighter than the proton, the neutrino was once thought to be massless and…
Read MoreKaleidos: Making Nuclear Power Portable at Radiant Nuclear
SPEAKER: Dr. Benjamin R. Betzler Head of Nuclear Engineering at Radiant DATE/TIME: MON, 09/25/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract Increased industry development of nuclear microreactors over the last several years is largely due to their portability and operational flexibility, making them a feasible carbon-free technology for a variety of electrical grid…
Read MoreRadioactive Mice! How We Use the Mouse Model to Study Radiotherapeutics and Decontamination at LBNL
SPEAKER: Alexia Cosby, Ph.D. DATE/TIME: MON, 09/18/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Abstract The mouse model is an essential component for validating preclinical research. Here at LBNL, we use the mouse model to investigate two distinct challenges: 1) designing and evaluating radiotheranostics, and 2) understanding radiocontamination in the event of a nuclear…
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