Next-generation neutrino detection with Eos

Professor Gabriel O. Gann
Associate Professor of Physics, UC Berkeley
Faculty Scientist, LBNL
DATE/TIME: MON, 10/2/2023 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALLAbstract
Neutrinos are some of the most fascinating particles that occur in nature. Over one billion times lighter than the proton, the neutrino was once thought to be massless and to travel at the speed of light. This talk will discuss the ways in which neutrinos can offer insights into the world around us, and present recent technological advances that enable a new kind of “hybrid” neutrino experiment, which would combine two highly successful detection techniques: the topological information of Cherenkov detectors, with the high light yield of scintillators. A technical demonstrator for this technology is currently being deployed in the Nuclear Engineering department, and the status and plans for this project will be presented.
Prof. Orebi Gann joined the UC Berkeley Physics department faculty in January 2012, with a joint appointment in the Nuclear Science Division at LBNL. She completed her postdoctoral research at University of Pennsylvania from 2008-2011, having graduated with a DPhil from University of Oxford in 2008. Prof. Orebi Gann leads the proto-collaboration pursuing Theia, a large-scale realization of the technology being tested in Eos.