Archive for September 2018
SPEAKER: DR. DAVID BROWN SCIENTIST (S4) DATE/TIME: MON, 09/24/2018 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Fall 2018 Colloquium Series Abstract: The Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) released the ENDF/B-VIII.0 evaluated nuclear reaction data library on February 2, 2018. ENDF/B-VIII.0 incorporates many improvements including a nearly completely new thermal neutron scattering sublibrary, the new IAEA standards,…
Read MoreUniversity of California, Berkeley ranks 3rd on College Magazine’s “Top 10 Colleges for Engineering Majors”
University of California, Berkeley ranks 3rd on College Magazine’s “Top 10 Colleges for Engineering Majors” September 24, 2018 In an article released on August 9, 2018 on,UC Berkeley ranks 3rd nationwide on the list of “top 10 colleges for engineering majors that will have you rebuilding the world in no time.” The article boasts…
Read MoreThe Swelling Equation is a Four Dimensional Animal
SPEAKER: MICHAEL FLUSS VISITING SCIENTIST UCB-NE DATE/TIME: MON, 09/17/2018 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Fall 2018 Colloquium Series Abstract: Nuclear Energy Material Scientists have been searching for the bias driven swelling equation for over 50 years. While the theoretical basis for the swelling equation was described 45 years ago utilizing mean-field (rate) theory, the animal…
Read MoreTranslating high-resolution radiation detection technology to head-and-neck imaging (design, instrumentation, and performance)
SPEAKER: SHIVA ABBASZADEH ASSISTANT PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR, PLASMA, AND RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DATE/TIME: MON, 09/10/2018 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Fall 2018 Colloquium Series Abstract: Current head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment planning suffers from poor spatial resolution of whole-body positron emission tomography (WB-PET) scans. In the neck, where…
Read MoreNE Doctoral Candidate Receives Award for Nuclear Engineering Software
NE Doctoral Candidate Receives Award for Nuclear Engineering Software September 6th, 2018 Campus doctoral candidate in nuclear engineering April Novak placed first in the advanced reactor systems category at the annual Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards in April. Novak’s paper, “Pronghorn: A Porous Media Thermal-Hydraulics Core Simulator and its Validation with SANA experiments,” was…
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