Microfabrication offers some unique opportunities to build radiation sources as well as sensors. Recently we have proposed fabricating pulsed accelerator diode components with lithographic methods for both neutron and x ray sources. This seminar will split our time between discussion of the radiation source concepts and the detectors.
Dr. Derzon is working on new microelectronics capabilities to enhance nuclear detection and other national security missions. His team at Sandia has developed a platform for CBRNE detection and orthogonal detection of DNA/RNA/immunoassay which accepts raw samples. He wrote the US draft strategic plan for the White House OSTP on diagnostic development for CBRNE defense based on work with USAMRIID. He has led plasma physics experimental series on numerous facilities (‘Z’, PBFA, Saturn, LLNLs NOVA) and developed many of the key diagnostics. Dr. Derzon has numerous publications and over 200 internal reports documenting his efforts. He obtained his Ph.D from the University of California at Berkeley in 1987.