CASL Status, Plans, and Challenges



MON, 01/26/2015 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2015 Colloquium Series

Energy Innovation Hubs established by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) strive to enable and accelerate translational research. Hubs focus on a single topic, with the objective of rapidly bridging the gaps between basic research, engineering development, and commercialization through a close partnership with industry. To achieve this goal, the Hubs necessarily consist of large, highly integrated and collaborative creative teams working to solve priority technology challenges. For the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL), in operation since 2010 as the first Hub by the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, the focus is on commercial nuclear power generation, specifically the modeling and simulation (M&S) of nuclear reactors currently on the grid in the U.S. CASL not only strives to bring innovation to the nuclear energy enterprise but also to help retain and strengthen U.S. leadership in two DOE mission areas: HPC-enabled M&S and nuclear energy.

After a brief overview of CASL’s vision, mission, and strategic goals, the status of CASL’s R&D activities and products will be reviewed, with illustrative examples given where possible in the areas of radiation transport, thermal hydraulics, fuel performance, verification and validation (V&V), uncertainty quantification (UQ), and multiphysics coupling models and algorithms. These examples will be given within the context of CASL’s Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA). As CASL prepares for a possible second five years of execution, specific R&D plans and challenges will be reviewed, with suggestions for collaboration activities and opportunities.

About the Speaker:

Douglas B. Kothe (Doug) is the Director of the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of
Light Water Reactors, a DOE Innovation Hub at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Doug has been at ORNL since 2006 when he became the Director of Science in the ORNL National Center of Computational Sciences. Doug holds a PhD in Nuclear Engineering in 1987 from Purdue University, where his research focused on computational applications for inertial confinement fusion while serving as a Graduate Research Assistant at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). After a brief period in the defense science program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Doug worked at LANL for 20 years (prior to coming to ORNL) where he held a number of research, program, and line management positions in applied and fundamental defense-related R&D programs sponsored by the DOE, NASA, DoD, and private industry. Doug’s research interests and expertise lies in the development of physical models and numerical algorithms for the simulation of a wide variety of physical processes in the presence of incompressible and compressible fluid flow.

Chemical Processing for Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors



MON, 01/16/2015 - 4:00PM TO 5:00PM
Spring 2015 Colloquium Series

Chemical processing is required in order to efficiently use thorium as a nuclear fuel. Thorium dioxide (ThO2) is a challenging fuel in solid-fueled reactors due to its exceptional chemical stability and this has contributed to the limited use of thorium in existing light-water reactors. Thorium tetrafluoride (ThF4) is even more chemically stable than ThO2, but ThF4 dissolved in a medium of LiF-BeF2 can be used as a fluid blanket in a liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) and can be chemically processed directly. Liquid fluoride fuel also removes the need for conventional fuel fabrication, which is made very challenging by the high radiation fields that accompany the recovered uranium-233 fuel product. Rapid removal of fission products gases (like xenon) and other fission products that have high neutron absorption cross-sections reduce neutron losses in the reactor that would otherwise compromise the breeding capability the proposed thorium fuel cycle.

About the Speaker:

Kirk Sorensen is a nuclear and aerospace engineer working on the development of a liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) as a source of energy and important materials.  He has a masters of science in nuclear engineering from the University of Tennessee and a masters of science in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  For ten years he worked in advanced propulsion technology development at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, including a two-year assignment to the US Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command.  He joined Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Alabama, in 2010 as their chief nuclear technologist and later started his own company, Flibe Energy.  Flibe now works under contract to Teledyne on the conceptual design of a future LFTR power station.  Kirk is also an international speaker with recent talks in Switzerland, Singapore, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Dubai, Portugal, Canada, as well as many talks across the United States.  His work has been featured in numerous magazines, books, television specials, radio and internet interviews.  He has also taught nuclear engineering as a visiting instructor at Tennessee Technological University in 2010.

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Berkeley, California 94720

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