Application of Advanced Modeling and Simulation Tools to KP-FHR Licensing

Kairos_Power_2019_0091_cropped (1) SPEAKER: BRANDON HAUGH DATE/TIME: MON, 02/24/2020 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Spring 2020 Colloquium Series Abstract:

Advanced modeling and simulation tools have been under development at national laboratories, universities and research institutes around the world.  These tools have progressed to a point where a new reactor type can benefit from them and shed the baggage of legacy tools.  The challenges are taking these tools that have been the primary focus of research and elevating them to a pedigree to license with a regulator.  These challenges vary by the tool but can be summarized in three general areas, Verification, Validation and Configuration Management.  These three areas require more significant rigor than was previously applied typical research work.  This talk will present some of the examples of how we are accomplishing this at Kairos.

About the Speaker:

Mr. Brandon Haugh is the Director, Modeling, and Simulation at Kairos Power. He is currently directing teams for the development of modeling and simulation tools for the Kairos Power Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (KP FHR). Development efforts are focused on system modeling, fuel performance, high-temperature materials and source term modeling for licensing and deployment of the KP FHR.

Previously, Mr. Haugh was Director, Innovation and Special Projects for Studsvik Scandpower Inc. with a focus on business development, licensing and deployment of LWR core design tools. Mr. Haugh also worked for NuScale Power, where he was the initial reactor physicist and helped originate the reactor analysis organization.

Mr. Haugh earned his M.S. at the Oregon State University in nuclear engineering in 2002. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).  (

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