John will talk about the conditions needed for starting and then controlling international development programs. Examples are the traveling wave reactor development program, Archimedes Filter development, ITER, and the US-Japan Collaboration on DIII/DIIID. Similarities and differences will be discussed. John had managerial responsibility in all these programs. Emphasis will be placed on the current TWR program.
John Gilleland is the Chief Executive Officer of TerraPower LLC. The Company is focused on the development of advanced nuclear power systems.
Previously Dr Gilleland founded and served as the CEO of Archimedes Technology Group, a company which created a new technology that could greatly speed up weapons waste cleanup and opens new approaches to commercial spent fuel reprocessing.
As Chief Scientist and Vice president of Energy Programs at Bechtel Corporation he had responsibility for a large number of advanced energy production and energy storage projects. This included large scale renewable energy projects as well as advanced nuclear systems.
Prior to that he served as the US Managing Director of ITER during its Conceptual Design Phase and Director of the DIIID fusion research program at General Atomics.