Multi-scale modeling of Radiation Therapy – Bridging the gap from Physics to Biology

Associate Director of Physics Research
Head of the Multi-scale Monte-Carlo Modeling Lab DATE/TIME: FRI, 11/18/2022 – 3:00PM TO 4:00PM LOCATION: Zoom Abstract:
Modeling approaches offer a strong tool to understand mechanisms of complex processes, allowing us to probe correlations that are not accessible with experimental techniques. My lab uses the Monte Carlo method to investigate the effects of radiation on tissue at multiple scales. We try to understand how initial physics processes at the DNA scale can result in cell damage and repair. We then try to apply our models to investigate outcome of different therapies with the goal to find the best treatments design for, for example, external beam therapy, FLASH therapy or radiopharmaceutical therapy. Here are a few facts about me:
– 2000 masters in high energy Physics at HERA, Hamburg, Germany
– 2000-2005 PhD at National Taiwan University studying CP-Violations at Belle, KEK, Japan (PhD)
– 2005 postdoc in Taiwan
– 2006 postdoc with JSPS / Alexander v. Humboldt scholarship at Belle
– 2008 Project researcher at the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) at Tokyo University, studying neutrions
– 2010 postdoc at MGH
– 2013 instructor
– 2015 Assist. Prof
– 2019 Assoc. Prof
– Current VP of the Radiation Research Society Research focussed on
– multi-disciplinary research
– multi-scale MC simulations
– understanding cell scale effects
– FLASH-RT – combining in vivo, in vitro, in silico
Webinar ID 986 1256 7590