Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) include a large number of reactor and fuel cycle variants, some with liquid fuels others with solid fuels. As a new reactor concept, and one that in many cases includes liquid fuels that involve some form of fuel processing, there is a need to evaluate how safeguards can be applied or needs to be developed, both in terms of the safeguards approaches, and the safeguards technology. This talk will introduce the objective of safeguards, and explain why MSRs require potentially different safeguards approaches and technologies compared with current reactors and fuel cycles, as well as highlight why an early dialogue on safeguards with the reactor vendors is needed.
Andrew Worrall is the Fuel Cycle R&D Technology Leader for the Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the Deputy Director of the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy initiative Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN). Andrew received a B.S. in Applied Physics from Lancaster University, UK, in 1992 and M.S. in Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors from the University of Birmingham, UK, in 1993. Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Chartered Physicist, and was previously a Royal Academy of Engineering Professor of Nuclear Engineering in the UK. In December 2014, the US DOE Office of Nuclear Energy appointed Andrew as the Laboratory Lead Coordinator for nuclear energy research programs with the UK. Andrew has almost 25 years of professional experience in the United Kingdom and the United States working on and leading multi-disciplinary and multi-national projects in the fields of reactor physics, fuel and core design, plutonium disposition, fuel development and fuel cycle analysis (technical, economics, and safeguards).