Potential of Cognitive Computing for National Security Missions

SPEAKER: DR. DAVID R. FARLEY PRINCIPAL MEMBER REMOTE SENSING DEPARTMENT SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES IN LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DATE/TIME: MON, 09/25/2017 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Fall 2017 Colloquium Series Abstract: co-hosted by the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (http://nssc.berkeley.edu/) There has been substantial progress in machine learning, cognitive computing and other data analytics flavors. Decision makers, nuclear power…

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Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium Energy

SPEAKER: THOMAS J. DOLAN ADJUNCT PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR, PLASMA, AND RADIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DATE/TIME: MON, 09/11/2017 – 4:00PM TO 5:00PM LOCATION: 3105 ETCHEVERRY HALL Fall 2017 Colloquium Series Abstract: Light water reactors are vulnerable to core melt, steam explosions, and hydrogen explosions; and they produce large inventories of actinides that must be isolated…

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