Ab Astris ad Terram, ad Astra Iterum: Radiation Effects Engineering – An Overview

Radiation effects engineering is a highly multidisciplinary, rapidly growing field within the aerospace industry. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Greg Allen will be discussing the fundamentals of the field, focusing on Single Event Effects and the importance of accelerators such as LBNL’s 88″ BASE facility to the success of NASA’s missions from the upcoming Europa Clipper to the Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity.
About the Speaker:Greg Allen received a BS in Computer Engineering from CSU Chico in 2005 and joined JPL’s Radiation Effects Group after graduating. A recognized team leader in the Radiation Effects group at JPL as well as the radiation effects community, Greg has provided radiation effects support for dozens of NASA missions and tiger team efforts since 2005, providing flight programs electronic device and system level radiation effects analysis and mitigation strategies. Greg received NASA’s coveted Outstanding Leadership Award, is a Senior IEEE member, and has held many conference positions at the Nuclear Science Radiation Effects Conference and currently sits on the conference Steering Group. In addition to Greg’s responsibilities as the Center for Space Radiation co-lead, he is the Radiation Effects Group Lead and Single Event Effects Test Lead.