NE Doctoral Candidate Receives Award for Nuclear Engineering Software

NE Doctoral Candidate Receives Award for Nuclear Engineering Software

September 6th, 2018


Campus doctoral candidate in nuclear engineering April Novak placed first in the advanced reactor systems category at the annual Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards in April.

Novak’s paper, “Pronghorn: A Porous Media Thermal-Hydraulics Core Simulator and its Validation with SANA experiments,” was presented at the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants in April, according to a press release.

“I’m grateful to be able to share what I’m working on and get more people involved in the field of nuclear engineering as a whole or in the design of pebble-reactors,” Novak said.

The paper focused on pebble-bed reactors, which differ from conventional nuclear reactors. Most reactors use long and skinny reactor cores with uranium-oxide as fuel, according to Novak. Pebble-bed reactors, on the other hand, use tennis ball-sized pebbles that consist of uranium kernels, surrounded by layers of silicon carbide and pyrolytic carbon, in a mixture of graphite.

To read more about April's accomplishment, please go to:

Congratulations, April!

Berkeley Lab Team Wins Data-Driven Scavenger Hunt for Simulated Nuclear Materials

Berkeley Lab Team Wins Data-Driven Scavenger Hunt for Simulated Nuclear Materials


Competing in a fictitious high-stakes scenario, a group of scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) bested two dozen other teams in a months-long, data-driven scavenger hunt for simulated radioactive materials in a virtual urban environment.

The goal of this hackathon-styled event was both to improve the detection methods that could be applied to actual threats involving nuclear materials, and to create a platform to virtually vet out these methods.

Tenzing Joshi, an applied nuclear physicist in Berkeley Lab’s Nuclear Science Division, led the winning team in this Urban Radiological Search Competition created by the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration. His teammates included Mark Bandstra, a senior scientific engineering associate, and UC Berkeley graduate student Kyle Bilton.

Read whole article here

DoE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security attends program review featuring the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium

Department of Energy Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration attends program review featuring the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium

July 17th, 2018

Department of Energy Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration attends program review featuring the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium

The Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC), a multi-institution initiative headquartered at UC Berkeley, participated in the annual Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D) University Program Review (UPR) meeting on June 5-7, 2018 in Ann Arbor, MI, hosted by University of Michigan. Ms. Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, DOE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator, provided the opening address at the program review to an audience of more than 285 students, faculty, national laboratory scientists, and DOE NNSA program officials, including Dr. Edward Watkins, Assistant Deputy Administrator, DNN R&D and Dr. Victoria Franques, Senior Program Manager, DNN R&D.

The UPR focused on the work of the NSSC as well as the Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities (CNEC) and the Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT). These consortia, funded by DNN R&D as part of the Integrated University Program (IUP) with DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, have a mission to develop the nation’s intellectual capital in nuclear science and engineering. The NSSC Student Fellows presented 18 oral presentations and 30 poster presentations. Three types of awards were presented to the students from the three consortia at the UPR meeting: awards for best national laboratory collaboration, best poster presentation, and best oral presentation.

Tyler Jordan, NSSC Graduate Fellow in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, won an award for best national laboratory collaboration for his work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) with mentors Dr. Madison Andrews and Dr. Krista Meierbachtol. Tyler’s research focuses on correlated fission experiments for fission model validation. This work increases the effectiveness of radiation detection systems that support efforts to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Tyler Jordan said of his experience at UPR, “The effectiveness of the university consortium model becomes particularly evident during the UPR meeting, especially in terms of connecting students to national labs and government agencies. It’s not every day that I get to sit in a room full of experts in the field and at the institutions that I want to engage in my own career; the chance to discuss research with national lab staff scientists and other university researchers is immensely valuable to me.”

See full article here

New Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced

New Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced

July 02, 2018


The  Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Science announces the new Energy Frontier Research Centers. 100M$ will fund 42 EFRC's ( These 4 year centers will received between $2M and $4M annually and will help accelerate scientific understanding in diverse energy related fields including catalysts, electro and photo-chemistry, geoscience, quantum materials and nuclear and synthesis.

UC-Berkeley's Nuclear Engineering department is co-director and part of the winning team lead by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) scientists Blas Uberuaga. The team will work on the project entitled "Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)"  which aims to understand the coupling between radiation damage and corrosion and predict irradiation-assisted corrosion in passivating and non-passivating environments for materials in nuclear energy systems.

Max Fratoni wins ANS Early Career Reactor Physicist Award

Max Fratoni wins ANS Early Career Reactor Physicist Award

July 2nd, 2018


UCBNE Faculty Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni will be presented the award at the RPD session at the ANS Winter Meeting, November 2018 - "For his numerous significant contributions to the conception and design of advanced reactors, and for his dedication to training the future generations of reactor physicists." ~ANS

Congratulations, Max!

Nuclear Engineering Alum and NSSC Executive Director, Bethany Goldblum, Ph.D. featured in Berkeley Engineering Spring 2018 Magazine

Nuclear Engineering Alum and NSSC Executive Director, Bethany Goldblum, Ph.D. featured in Berkeley Engineering Spring 2018 Magazine

June 19th, 2018


Volume 13 of the Berkeley Engineering magazine featured a Q&A with Bethany Goldblum on the topic of nuclear nonproliferation. She also talked about the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC), the Nuclear Policy Working Group and a little bit about how she got started in nuclear security and her current work and research in the field.

Bethany Lyles Goldblum, Ph.D. received her Master's in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California-Berkeley in 2005 and thereafter, her Ph.D. in 2007. Currently, she is NSSC's Executive Director and also leads UC Berkeley's Nuclear Policy Working Group.

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