
New Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced

July 2, 2018

New Energy Frontier Research Centers Announced

July 02, 2018


The  Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science announces the new Energy Frontier Research Centers. 100M$ will fund 42 EFRC’s (https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-awards-100-million-energy-frontier-research-centers). These 4 year centers will received between $2M and $4M annually and will help accelerate scientific understanding in diverse energy related fields including catalysts, electro and photo-chemistry, geoscience, quantum materials and nuclear and synthesis.

UC-Berkeley’s Nuclear Engineering department is co-director and part of the winning team lead by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) scientists Blas Uberuaga. The team will work on the project entitled “Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)”  which aims to understand the coupling between radiation damage and corrosion and predict irradiation-assisted corrosion in passivating and non-passivating environments for materials in nuclear energy systems.