Undergraduate Student Resources

Computing Cluster

Berkeley Research Computing offers and supports access to the Savio Institutional/Condo Cluster, which intends to meet campus computing research needs. A free “Faculty Computing Allowance” on the cluster is offered to all PIs (and their affiliated researchers), and researchers may purchase “condominium” nodes on which their computing jobs run with priority access.

More information can be found here; please contact brc-help-help[at]berkeley.edu with questions.

General Access Computer Lab (DECF)

A general access Linux computer lab is provided through the Davis-Etcheverry Computing Facility (DECF) in 1111 Etcheverry.  For more info, please visit the DECF website.

Computer Networking

Users may connect to the eduroam wireless network by obtaining an eduroam key.  Additional information regarding the Campus wireless infrastructure and setup instructions can be found on STS's website.

Users may establish an Ethernet connection within Etcheverry Hall by registering their devices with the Campus DHCP Service.  Users within the department may request static IP addresses for desktops and other special purpose devices* by contacting consult[at]nuc.berkeley.edu.

*Restrictions and additional security requirements apply. 


Campus has negotiated deals with several companies and are now offering certain software for faculty/staff/students.

Faculty/Staff Students Contact
Adobe https://s.berkeley.edu
MS Windows 10 / 11 Education Not available Faculty/Staff: consult[at]nuc.berkeley.edu
(include name and # of licenses)
Faculty/Staff Home PC: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com
Students: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com
MS Office Faculty/Staff: consult[at]nuc.berkeley.edu
(include name and # of licenses)
Faculty/Staff Home PC: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com
Students: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com
MS Project Not available UC Owned Devices: consult[at]nuc.berkeley.edu
(include name and # of licenses)
Home Computer: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com/
MS Visio Not available UC Owned Devices: consult[at]nuc.berkeley.edu
(include name and # of licenses)
Home Computer: http://ucbwah.onthehub.com/
Matlab UCB-owned and personally-owned devices UCB-owned and personally-owned devices
Mathematica UCB-owned and personally-owned devices UCB-owned and personally-owned devices