To obtain a PhD in our department, students must take course to fulfill their PhD major course of study and a PhD minor course of study. The major course of study consists of 6 classes, at least 4 of them at the graduate level. The minor course of study may consist of three upper division undergraduate courses in one of the minor subject areas OR two upper division undergraduate-level and one graduate-level course from outside the department for the outside minor (which will be in Radiation Oncology for the Medical Physics minor). A second minor course of study may be pursued. The second minor course of study consists of one graduate level course and one undergraduate level course.
For a student in the Nuclear Engineering PhD program who will participate in the Medical Physics curriculum, a typical course of study could be the following.
*: CAMPEP required course
Year 1
Year 1 - Fall
Course Code | Course Title |
*UCB NE 107 | Introduction to Imaging |
*UCB NE 207 | Physical Principles of CT, PET, and SPECT Imaging |
*UCB NE 162 | Radiation Biophysics |
*UCB BioEng 100 | Ethics in Science and Engineering |
*UCB IntegBi 131 | General Human Anatomy |
Year 1 - Winter
Course Code | Course Title |
UCSF BMI 200 | Professionalism in the Academic Medical Center |
Year 1 - Spring
Course Code | Course Title |
UCB NE 201 | Nuclear Reactions and Interactions of Radiation with Matter |
*UCB NE 262 | Radiobiology |
UCB NE 282 | Charged Particle Source and Beam Technology |
UCB BioEng 280 | Ethical and Social Issues in Translational Medicine |
Year 2
Year 2 - Fall
Course Code | Course Title |
UCB NE 204 | Advanced Concepts in Radiation Detection and Measurements |
*UCSF RadOnc 235A | Radiation Therapy Physics I |
UCB NE C231 | Medical Imaging Signals and Systems |
UCB NE 275 | Principles and Methods of Risk Analysis |
Year 2 - Winter
Course Code | Course Title |
*UCSF RadOnc 235B | Radiation Therapy Physics II |
Year 2 - Spring
Course Code | Course Title |
UCB NE C235 | Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
*UCSF Radonc 235C | Radiation Therapy Physics III and Clinical Rotation |
UCB NE 255 | Numerical Simulation in Radiation Transport |
Year 3
Course Code | Course Title |
UCSF BMI 204 | Principles of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound |
UCB NE 207 | Physical Principles of CT, PET, and SPECT Imaging |
- Elective
- Clinical integration with on-the-job shadowing of practicing medical physicists at UCSF
- Directed Research in a Medical Physics related topic
- Oral Exam for advancement to PhD candidacy
Year 4+
- Clinical integration with on-the-job shadowing of practicing medical physicists at UCSF
- Directed Research in a Medical Physics related topic.
- Thesis preparation and defense