Raluca Scarlat Selected for U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Advisory Team
Raluca Scarlat Selected for U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Advisory Team
February 9th, 2022
Raluca Scarlat is among eleven members named to the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, which advises the secretary and the assistant secretary for nuclear energy on current priorities in the department’s programs. “A change in the structure and focus in NEAC will help DOE act more quickly and effectively to research advances in nuclear power to meet the nation’s energy, environmental, and national security needs,” said Andy Griffith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Supply Chain. NEAC is structured to provide input from multiple perspectives, with Raluca Scarlat representing the university perspective.Raluca Scarlat is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering, heads the SALT Laboratory at University of California Berkeley, and is the recipient of the ANS Mary Jane Oestmann Award. Professor Scarlat has expertise in high temperature chemistry and materials for advanced reactors, reactor design and safety analysis, and engineering ethics.