Stanley G. Prussin
B.S. Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960
M.S. Chemistry, University of Michigan, 1962
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Michigan, 1964
He taught the department’s courses in nuclear physics for applications and shares in the teaching of the Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory, and the introduction to imaging course. He assisted in the development in the department’s new course in Engineering Science Aspects of Nuclear Medicine.
Prof. Prussin’s research interests were in the areas of low energy nuclear physics, and the use of nuclear methods and instrumentation as solutions of applied problems, with current emphasis on nuclear medicine and allied technologies.
Professor Prussin passed away in August of 2015.
Oxidation of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Radial Dependence of Burnup and Actinide Production in Irradiated UO2
Radiation Safety in Large Central Radiopharmacies
Development of a Nuclear Medicine Procedure for Breast Cancer
Benchmark Measurements of Delayed Fission Product Gamma Rays
Investigation of Delayed Fission Gamma Rays as a Robust Signature for Nuclear Materials in Sea-going Cargo Containers Supported by the Department of Homeland Security
Humboldt Senior Scientist Award
Consulting: Radiation detection and measurements:
Proliferation Prevention and Arms Control Program, Nonproliferation, Arms Control and International Security Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Attribution Science Group, NA-22 Program: Office of Nonproliferation Research and Engineering, National Nuclear Security Administration
Determination of (n,γ) cross sections in the rare-earth region using the surrogate ratio method, B. L. Goldblum, S. G. Prussin, U. Agvaanluvsan, L. A. Bernstein, D. L. Bleuel, W. Younes, M. Guttormsen Physical Review C 78, 064606 (2008)
A method for high-resolution x-ray imaging of intermodal cargo containers for fissionable materials, B. J. Quiter, S. G. Prussin, B. Pohl, J. Hall, J. Trebes, G. Stone, and M.-A. Descalle, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 064910 (2008)
The nuclear car wash: A system to detect nuclear weapons in commercial cargo shipments, Slaughter DR, Accatino MR, Bernstein A, et al., Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 579, 349-352 (2007)
Comparison of tests with 14-MeV neutrons to a Monte Carlo model for interrogation of thick cargos for clandestine fissionable materials, Prussin SG, Descalle MA, Hall JM, et al., Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 569, 853-862 (2006)
Preliminary results utilizing high-energy fission product gamma-rays to detect fissionable material in cargo, Slaughter DR, Accatino MR, Bernstein A, et al., Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 241, 777-781 (2005)
“Modeling the Production of Beta-Delayed Gamma Rays for the Detection of Special Nuclear Materials”, J.M. Hall, J.A Pruet, D.A. Brown. M.-A. Descalle, G.W. Hedstrom and S.G. Prussin, , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-TR-209738, February 14, 2005
Neutron and Photon Transport in Sea-going Cargo Containers, by J. Pruet, M.-A. Descalle, J. Hall, and B. Pohl, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, N-Division, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, California 94550, S. G. Prussin, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97, 094908 s2005d
Response to A comment on “Signatures of Fissile Materials: High-energy γ Rays Following Fission” by Zeev B. Alfassi ¡E CORRESPONDENCE “Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment”, In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 8 August 2004, Eric B. Norman, Stanley G. Prussin, Ruth-Mary Larimer, Howard Shugart, Edgardo Browne, Alan R. Smith, Richard J. McDonald, Heino Nitsche, Puja Gupta, Michael I. Frank and Thomas B. Gosnell
“Monte Carlo Models for the Production of β-delayed Gamma Rays Following Fission of Special Nuclear Materials”, J. Pruet, J. Hall, M.-A. Descalle, S. Prussin, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 222 (2004) 403.
“Precipitation of Crystalline Neptunium Dioxide From Near-neutral Aqueous Solution”, K.E. Roberts, T.J. Wolery, C.E. A