“A High Efficiency Electromechanical Battery” (with R. F. Post and S. F. Post), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report No. UCRL-JC-110861, June 1992.
“Ion Temperature Gradient Modes in Non-Circular Tokamaks” (with D. Hua and X. Q. Xu), Phys. of Fluids B 4:3216, 1992.
“Modeling of Fusion Reactor Environment and Safety Aspects” (with S. K. Ho, L. M. Grossman, and J. P. Holdren), Trans. ANS. 63, 104, 1992.
“Space Propulsion by Fusion in a Magnetic Dipole” (with E. Teller, A. J. Glass, A. Hasegawa, J. F. Santarius), Fusion Technology 22:82, 1992.
“Implications of TAE Modes for the Design of ITER” (with D. Finkenthal), UCRL-ID-107222, May 20, 1991.
“Thermodynamic Constraints Applied to Tokamaks” (with A. Brizard, D. Hua, and P. J. Morrison) Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 14, p. 263, 1991.