Design of the first fusion laboratory experiment to achieve target gain

1174 Etcheverry Hall

Dr. Andrea (Annie) Kritcher Team lead in the Inertial Confinement Fusion program and Group leader in Design Physics The inertial fusion community have been working towards ignition for decades, since the idea of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) was first proposed by Nuckolls, et al., in 1972. On August 8, 2021 and Dec 5th 2022,the Lawson

A Youth Led Nuclear Victory at COP-27

Via Zoom

Ia Aanstoot, Stockholm In what is undoubtedly a first for Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, this week’s colloquium will be given by a high school student in Stockholm, who played a critical role in delaying the COP27 climate negotiations by three hours and fundamentally changed the outcome by making it include nuclear power. The climate crisis is

Radiation damage studies in metals and metal/oxide heterostructures through in-situ TEM

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Djamel Kaoumi Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University Abstract: When coupled to an ion beam accelerator, the spatial resolution of Transmission Electron Microscopy makes it an invaluable imaging technique to track the real-time response of microstructure under irradiation, shedding light on the mechanisms of formation and growth of defects in materials.

Proton therapy: a perfect slice of physics, mathematics, and biology

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Ke Sheng, Ph.D., FAAPM, Professor and Vice Chair of Medical Physics Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco Radiotherapy delivers an ionizing cytotoxic dose to both tumors and normal tissues. Research in the past decades has focused on reducing normal tissue dose. Protons emerged as an appealing modality for radiotherapy due to their

“Future Directions for Nuclear Energy”

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Per F. Peterson Distinguished Professor William and Jean McCallum Floyd Endowed Chair Department of Nuclear Engineering Abstract Fission energy is currently the largest source of zero-carbon electrical power in the United States, but expanded use has stalled due to high construction costs, long schedules, and lack of policies that credit the low carbon emissions from nuclear

NASA Open Science: Space Radiation and Biological Effects

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Dr. Sylvain V. Costes Space Biosciences Research Branch Chief Project Manager for Open Science for Space Biology (GeneLab/ALSDA) Director of the Radiation Biophysics Laboratory NASA Ames Research Center Abstract The challenges and risks associated with deep space missions require new knowledge discovery tools and biomedical support capabilities. To support this shift, biological data needs to

2nd Molten Salt Bootcamp

August 31st, 2023 Chairman Massimiliano (Max) Fratoni is hosting his 2nd Molten Salt Bootcamp September 6-8, 2023.

In-situ Deformation of Metals under Hydrogen and High Pressure

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

    Wendy Gu Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University Abstract Understanding hydrogen degradation of metals is critical to the green hydrogen economy. Here, I will describe the synchrotron

4153 Etcheverry Hall, MC 1730 (map) University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

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