Multi-scale modeling of Radiation Therapy – Bridging the gap from Physics to Biology

Via Zoom

Jan Schuemann, Ph.D. (he/him/his) Associate Professor Associate Director of Physics Research Head of the Multi-scale Monte-Carlo Modeling Lab Abstract: Modeling approaches offer a strong tool to understand mechanisms of complex processes, allowing us to probe correlations that are not accessible with experimental techniques. My lab uses the Monte Carlo method to investigate the effects of radiation

Planetary nuclear spectroscopy

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta NASA Postdoctoral Fellow (NPP) Abstract: Planetary nuclear spectroscopy is a blanket term used to describe gamma ray and neutron spectroscopy of planetary surfaces. Spectrometers of this kind are able to measure the bulk elemental composition of a planetary object from different platforms such as orbiters and landers. In this talk, I will

High-fidelity continuum kinetic simulations – a frontier in plasma modeling

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Genia Vogman Computational Scientist Abstract: Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is an important medium in space physics and fusion energy applications. Its unique multi-scale properties give rise to complex behavior that is difficult to predict. In regimes where plasma particles collide infrequently, commonly used magnetohydrodynamic descriptions fail and kinetic physics of particle-particle and particle-wave

Managing Operational Risk in Nuclear Facilities with TensorFlow

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

William Zywiec Staff Scientist and Group Leader in the Nuclear Criticality Safety Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Abstract: Since the discovery of fission and subsequent first criticality of Chicago Pile-1, more than 60 criticality accidents have occurred throughout the world. These accidents are divided into two categories: those that occur during critical experiments or

Th-234: Lise Meitner and Internal Conversion and Otto Hahn – Nuclear Isomerism and the role of isomeric nuclei in nuclear condensed matter physics

1165 Etcheverry Hall

Dr. Mahnke Heinz-Eberhard email: ,     webpage:;sprache=en Abstract: More than hundred years ago, Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn intensively studied the decay of Th-234, working in close cooperation. While Otto Hahn discovered nuclear isomerism, Lise Meitner studied electrons closely related to the gamma transitions following the transformation of Th into Pa. Both, nuclear

Overview of INL RELAP5-3D system code and examples of application to reactor analysis.

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Dr. Paolo BALESTRA ART-GCR Methods Lead Abstract: RELAP5-3D is the latest in the RELAP5 code series developed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) for the analysis of transients and accidents in water–cooled nuclear power plants and related systems as well as the analysis of advanced reactor designs. The RELAP5–3D code is an outgrowth of the one-dimensional

Ab Astris ad Terram, ad Astra Iterum: Radiation Effects Engineering – An Overview

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Greg Allen Senior Radiation Effects Engineer, Center for Space Radiation Lead Abstract: Radiation effects engineering is a highly multidisciplinary, rapidly growing field within the aerospace industry. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Greg Allen will be discussing the fundamentals of the field, focusing on Single Event Effects and the importance of accelerators such as LBNL's 88" BASE

The early history of fusion discoveries, 1930s-1940s

Haviland Hall rm. 12

Dr. Mark B. Chadwick Chief Scientist & Chief Operating Officer for the Weapons Physics Associate Laboratory Directorate, ALDX, at Los Alamos Abstract: I will describe the early breakthroughs in determining DT and DD fusion cross sections in the 1940s. Berkeley played a key role in making tritium in the cyclotron for the first 1943 measurement

Design of the first fusion laboratory experiment to achieve target gain

1174 Etcheverry Hall

Dr. Andrea (Annie) Kritcher Team lead in the Inertial Confinement Fusion program and Group leader in Design Physics The inertial fusion community have been working towards ignition for decades, since the idea of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) was first proposed by Nuckolls, et al., in 1972. On August 8, 2021 and Dec 5th 2022,the Lawson

A Youth Led Nuclear Victory at COP-27

Via Zoom

Ia Aanstoot, Stockholm In what is undoubtedly a first for Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, this week’s colloquium will be given by a high school student in Stockholm, who played a critical role in delaying the COP27 climate negotiations by three hours and fundamentally changed the outcome by making it include nuclear power. The climate crisis is

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Berkeley, California 94720

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