E 40

Course Title: 
Engineering Thermodynamic
Course Units: 
Catalog Description: 
  • Fundamental laws of thermodynamics for simple substances; application to flow processes and to nonreacting mixtures; statistical thermodynamics of ideal gases and crystalline solids; chemical and materials thermodynamics; multiphase and multicomonent equilibria in reacting systems; electrochemistry.
Course Prerequisite(s): 
  • Mathematics including understanding of partial derivatives and ability to solve algebraic equations mathematically
  • Lower-division thermodynamics (at the level of freshman chemistry and sophomore physics courses)
Course Objectives: 
  • Present to the students the basis of the first and second laws of thermodynamics
  • Explain the terminology of thermodynamics: system, properties, processes, reversibility, equilibrium, phases, components
  • Apply the first and second laws to open and closed systems
  • Introduce heat engines and their application to power cycles
  • Treat solution thermodynamics and application to phase diagrams
  • Cover chemical thermodynamics
Course Outcomes:
  • Understand and analyze processes: isothermal, isobaric, isentropic, cyclic
  • Analyze steam power cycles for electricity production
  • Use equations of state for nonideal gases and solids
  • Apply equilibrium criteria to isolated systems and to chemical/materials systems
  • Relate thermodynamic properties via partial derivatives, Maxwell's relations
  • Be able to interpret phase diagrams of binary systems from free energy vs composition curves
  • Solve for equilibrium compositions in homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions
Topics Covered: 
  1. Concepts and definitions
  2. Equations of state and the steam tables
  3. Applications of the First and Second laws to processes in closed systems
  4. Heat engines, power cycles and the thermodynamics of open systems
  5. Free energy and the criterion of equilibrium
  6. Phase equilibrium in one - component systems
  7. Thermodynamic relations
  8. Mixtures and solutions
  9. Binary phase equilibrium and phase diagrams
  10. Chemical thermodynamics
  11. Electrochemistry and aqueous equilibria
  12. Biothermodynamics

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