Department Profile – Circa 1966

What was the Department Like in 1966?

Program of Study The graduate program in Nuclear Engineering is oriented toward developing breadth and competence in the applied sciences and ability to formulate and carry out original programs of research and design. Programs leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees may be selected from courses offered by the Department of Nuclear Engineering as well as courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and related fields. Candidates for the M.S. degree are required to complete 30 units of course work and submit a research thesis. Under special circumstances the student may be permitted to follow a program consisting of 36 units of course work and passing performance on a departmental examination.
Requirements for the Ph.D. degree are not stated in terms of unit requirements. The candidate is expected to demonstrate distinguished scholastic performance in course work in a major and two minor fields of study; to pass a combination of written and oral examinations in these areas; to demonstrate a reading knowledge of scientific literature in two of these three major languages--French, German and Russian; and to submit a dissertation on the results of an original program of research on a basic problem in his field of specialization.
Financial Aid Financial assistance for graduate students in Nuclear Engineering is available in the form of Fellowships and Graduate Scholarships, Teaching Assistantships, Research Assistantships and loans. Fellowship aid is available from the University, from the Atomic Energy Commission's Nuclear Service and Engineering Fellowships program, from the National Science Foundation and from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Inquiries concerning Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships should be directed to the Department chairman. Information on the appropriate offices for University and extra-mural fellowship applications will also be supplied by the Department.
Research Facilities and Equipment The Department possesses a TRIGA Mark III pool-type reactor which is designed to operate at a steady power of 1 megawatt and may be pulsed repetitively to a peak power of two thousand megawatts. The neutronics laboratory also houses two MEV Van de Graaff accelerator pulsed neutron generators, and subcritical assemblies. A large variety of radiation detection equipment is in use in the teaching and research programs, including a 4096-channel multi-parameter pulse height analyzer and four 400-channel pulse height analyzers. The extensive computer facilities of the University include IBM 7094 and 7040 digital computers and several analog computers in the Department of Engineering. The Nuclear Engineering department possesses a quadrapole mass spectrometer for ion beam and molecular beam studies and specialized equipment for studies in thermionic conversion, heat transfer, magneto hydrodynamics, and materials science research. Research opportunities exist that draw on the extensive facilities of the Lawrence Radiation laboratory at Berkeley and Livermore.
Cost of Study Tuition is free to every student who has been a legal resident of California for one year prior to registration. The nonresident tuition fee for three quarters is $801. Incidental fees for the same period for all students are $219.
Cost of Living University-approved residences are normally about $900 yearly. A wide variety of housing facilities exist in Berkeley and the surrounding areas, and the cost of these is variable and dependent on proximity to the campus.
Student Body The Berkeley campus is the oldest and largest of the units of the state-supported University of California; it has an enrollment of 27,500 with 10,000 graduate students in 100 fields of study. The student population is extremely varied, and includes the largest foreign student enrollment of any campus in the country.
Life in Berkeley The Berkeley campus is located in the city of Berkeley (population 110,000), close to San Francisco. The San Francisco Bay area has a tremendous variety of cultural and entertainment activities to suit all tastes and interests. The lectures, concerts, exhibits, and art and music -festivals on the campus itself form a program matched in few cities of the United States. There are more than 20 bookstores within a one-square-mile area surrounding the campus, and the vitality and creativity of the campus community is known internationally. Within several hours' drive of Berkeley lie the extensive recreation areas of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
A Word About the University of California, Berkeley The University of California was established in 1868. From enrollment of fewer than 200, it has grown until students now number nearly 90,000 at the nine campuses of the state University. Each of the campuses has a separate administrational organization and style of academic life. As the parent campus, Berkeley is noted for the academic distinction of the faculty, the quality and scope its research facilities, the richness of its course offerings, and the variety and vitality of student activities. It is generally ranked by its academic peers as one of the best graduate institutions in the United States.
Applying Completed applications for admission as well as all additional documents specified on the application form (including transcripts from each college-level institution previously attended) and a fee of $10 must be filed with the Office of the Dean of the Graduate Division by the established deadlines (roughly, the middle of May, October, January and April for the four quarters).
Correspondence and Information Professor Hans Mark, Chairman
Department of Nuclear Engineering
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

Department Faculty - 1966

AMSTER, Harvey J., Ph.D., Professor: Theoretical Physics, Radiation Biology.

CHAMBRE, Paul L, Ph.D., Professor: Applied Mathematics, Reactor Theory.

GROSSMAN, Lawrence M., Ph.D., Professor: Reactor Theory. Particle Transport Theory.

MARK, Hans, Ph.D., Professor (Chairman): Low Energy Nuclear Physics.

PIGFORD, Thomas H., Sc.D., Professor: Direct Energy Conversion, Reactor Engineering.

RUBY, Lawrence, Ph.D., Professor: Reactor Kinetics, Experimental Neutronics.

OLANDER, Donald R., Sc.D., Associate Professor: Materials Research, Nuclear Chemistry Engineering.

SCHROCK, Virgil E., M.S.M.E., Associate Professor: Reactor Engineering.

SMITH, Harold P. Jr„ Ph.D., Associate Professor: Radiation—Solid Interactions, Reactor Dynamics.

KAPLAN, Selig H., Ph.D., Assistant Professor: Enperimentai Neutronio.

PRUSSIN, Stanley G., Ph.D., Assistant Professor: Radiochemical Studies.

PYLE, Robert V„ Ph.D., Lecturer: Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Fusion.

WALLACE, Roger W., Ph.D., Lecturer: Health Physics, Dosimetry.

4153 Etcheverry Hall, MC 1730 (map) University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

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