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climate one Podcast, “What’s the Future for Nuclear Power?”

April 13, 2020

climate one Podcast, “What’s the Future for Nuclear Power?”

April 10th, 2020

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Per Peterson, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley

Edwin Lyman, Acting Director, Nuclear Safety Project, Union of Concerned Scientists


 Ken Farabaugh, Former Employee, Vermont Yankee

 Jose Reyes, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, NuScale Power


Jacob Dewitte, CEO, Oklo



Christine Parthemore, Chief Executive Officer, The Council on Strategic Risks




Once thought to be a modern power source, nuclear fell out of favor after a series of major accidents. But nuclear power is extraordinarily efficient, reliable and clean–does it deserve a new lease on life? The latest episode of @climateone is out now: https://spoti.fi/2Xy2I54


Nuclear power – revive it or allow a slow death? Today, about a hundred nuclear plants provide 20 percent of America’s electricity.

Once touted as a modern power source, nuclear fell out of favor after a series of major accidents – most notably those at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. A handful of the plants that once dotted the landscape have been shuttered because they can’t compete with cheaper sources of power. By the end of the century, the industry was languishing. But the urgency of climate change causes some to advocate giving nuclear a new lease on life.  A discussion about the health of the nuclear power industry today, and the 21st century innovations that could point to a new path forward.

The podcast and radio show has been released, and is available on climate oneiTunesStitcher, Spotify and GooglePlay