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Professors Abergel, Fratoni, Hosemann Receive U.S. Department of Energy NEUP Grants

July 8, 2022

Professors Abergel, Fratoni, Hosemann Received U.S. Department of Energy NEUP Grants

June 17th, 2022

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The Nuclear Engineering department received DOE Nuclear Energy related research awards of 4.7M$ as a lead institution and further funding as a collaborating institution. These funds will support several different research programs.

The Integrated Research Program lead by Professor Fratoni entitled “Bridging the gap between experiments and modeling
to improve the design of molten salt reactors”. The NEUP lead by Professor Abergel entitled “Advanced Screening Approaches for Accelerating Development of
Separations Technologies”.

The NEUP lead by Professor Hosemann “High throughput mechanical testing of additively-manufactured materials” will utilize femto second laser ablation in combination with the automated microscale tensile tester to evaluate additive manufactured materials and generate data for quality control and ML approaches together with microstructure analysis.

The NEUP lead by Professor Hosemann “Science-Based Development of ASTM standard tests for graphite-based fuel pebbles” together with X-energy, ORNL and the University of Florida, will use conventional methods and develop new methods to obtain a fundamental understanding of the failure modes in pebble fuels during use and to quantify the failure rate to proctor quality control and predict performance.

Find out more here.