Karl van Bibber
Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering
B.S. Physics, MIT, 1972
B.S. Mathematics, MIT, 1972
Ph.D. Physics, MIT, 1976
- 2022-2023: Chairman, Department of Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley
- 2019-2022: Executive Associate Dean, College of Engineering, UC Berkeley
- 2017-2022: Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, UC Berkeley
- 2012-Present: UC Berkeley, Professor & Chairman, Nuclear Engineering; Faculty Affiliate, Nuclear Science Division, LBNL
- 2012-2017 Executive Director, Nuclear Science & Security Consortium (NNSA)
- 2009-2012 Naval Postgraduate School, Vice President & Dean of Research
- 1985-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- 1985-91 Senior Physicist, E-Div.
- 1991-01 Group Leader for High Energy Physics & Accelerator Technology
- 1993-99 LLNL Project Leader, SLAC-LBNL-LLNL PEP-II B Factory
- 2001-02 Chief Scientist, Physics & Advanced Technologies
- 2002-07 Deputy Director, Laboratory Science and Technology Office
- 2002-07 Deputy Director Laboratory Directed R&D Program
- 2007-08 Chief Scientist, Physical & Life Sciences Directorate
- 1980-1985 Stanford University, Assistant Professor of Physics
- 1977-1979 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Postdoctoral Researcher
- 1977-1978 University of California Berkeley, Lecturer, Dep’t. of Nuclear Engineering
- 1976-1977 MIT, Instructor, Department of Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Particle Physics
- Particle Astrophysics
- Nuclear Instrumentation
- Accelerator Science & Technology
- Shankar Sastry Chair of Leadership and Innovation, UC Berkeley (2019-22)
- Navy Superior Civilian Service Award (2012)
- Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007)
- “Karl van Bibber Physics Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” endowed at Stanford Univ.
- Elected APS Fellow 2001
- DOE Deputy Secretary’s Award for the B Factory, on behalf of the LLNL team, (2000)
- LLNL S&T Award, BaBar team for discovery of CP-violation in the B-Meson System (2002)
- LLNL Director’s Distinguished Performance Award for the B Factory (1997)
- Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (1982)
- Phi Beta Kappa (1972)
- A Quantum-Enhanced Search for Dark Matter Axions, K.M. Backes, D. Palken et al., Nature 590 (2021) 238, arXiv:2008:01853
- Boutique neutrons advance 40Ar/39Ar-geochronology, D. Rutte et al., Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 9 eaaw5526 (11 Sept. 2019)
- Tunable wire metamaterials for an axion haloscope, N. Kowitt, R. Balafendiev, D. Sun, M. Wooten, A. Droster, M.A. Gorlach, K. van Bibber, P.A. Belov, Phys. Rev. Applied 20 (2023) 044051, aXiv:2306.15734v1
- Design, construction, and characterization of a compact DD neutron generator designed for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, Mauricio Ayllon et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods for Physics Research A 903 (2018) 193, arXiv:1803.03723
- Observation of CP violation in the B0 meson system, B. Aubert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 091801