
NE Student Sarah Stevenson Featured in Idaho National Laboratory Article

November 15, 2018

NE Student Sarah Stevenson Featured in Idaho National Laboratory Article

Sarah Stevenson, a PhD student, was featured this April in an article highlighting her worldly travels in pursuit of nuclear materials research: click here to view article.


Exerpt from the article:

Uncle Sam may have to wait a few years for Sarah Stevenson, but it’s a solid bet the wait will be worth it.

When she graduates from Kansas State University in May, Stevenson, who spent the summer of 2016 as an intern at Idaho National Laboratory, will have a commission in the U.S. Air Force as a second lieutenant. This comes from being an ROTC cadet for five years, but Stevenson learned in March she had received a Chancellor’s Fellowship from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). This will help her pursue a doctorate studying nuclear materials at UCB’s Nuclear Engineering Department. UCB joined the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) network in 2011.

The plan is for Stevenson, 22, to commission in the Air Force, using an “education delay” to postpone entry to extended active duty while she studies at Berkeley. Once her Ph.D. is in hand, she will become a physicist/nuclear engineer for the Air Force.