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Start-up core design study in RFBB and Neutron Nuclear Data Measurement Using the J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source and the Tokyo Tech Pelletron Accelerator
4101 Etcheverry HallProf. Tatsuya Katabuchi and Prof. Toru Obara Toru Obara Abstract: Rotational Fuel-shuffling Breed-and-Burn reactor (RFBB) has been studied as a reactor that can achieve effective utilization of uranium resources and…
High fluence He irradiation of materials using Helium Ion Microscopy
4101 Etcheverry HallGregor Hlawaceka Institute for Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz—Zentrum Dresden—Rossendorf, 01328 Dresden, Germany Abstract: I will present some recent results on the high fluence irradiation of metals using…
The early history of fusion discoveries, 1930s-1940s
Haviland Hall rm. 12Dr. Mark B. Chadwick Chief Scientist & Chief Operating Officer for the Weapons Physics Associate Laboratory Directorate, ALDX, at Los Alamos Abstract: I will describe the early breakthroughs in determining…