Ryan Panchadsaram

Ryan_Panchadsaram (1)

Ryan Panchadsaram

Class of 2007


U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer at The White House

What was your first job ever?
I picked up coding and designing pretty early on thanks to my Dad. I remember building small web and multimedia projects for people who were willing to pay a middle schooler..

What did you do after graduation?
After college I joined Microsoft as a Program Manager. I spent my time there on two teams: the Online Services Division then the Office for Mac team.

What are you currently working on?
Right now, I work at the White House where I serve as the Deputy Chief Technology Officer for the United States. My team helps shape how an $80 billion budget can be used by federal agencies to deliver on their missions in a more effective, design-centric, and data-driven way.

Do you have any advice for current IEOR students?
Stay curious. Be creative. Pursue your passion projects. And at one point in your career, considering doing a “tour of duty” in government. You’ll find that you’ll be able to have impact at scale and tackle problems that are incredibly meaningful to the American people.

What do you miss about being a student at Cal?
I miss the energy of the campus and how it encouraged every student to express themselves, whether that was through activism or building something.