Nirmal Govind
Class of 1999
Director of Streaming Science & Algorithms at Netflix
What did you do after graduation?
After graduation, I worked on the Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing program at Berkeley, did a part-time stint at IBM’s semiconductor manufacturing facility (fab) in New York while finishing up my PhD at Penn State, then moved to Arizona to work at Intel, optimizing Intel’s fab operations. I then moved back to the bay area and worked at a healthcare startup in the valley before joining Netflix.
What are you currently working on?
I lead the Streaming Science & Algorithms group at Netflix. We use data to build machine learning models and algorithms to improve the quality of experience while streaming, i.e. after you hit play on Netflix. We work on a diverse set of problems from optimizing the streaming quality on the Netflix app to improving the digital supply chain that starts with the studios in Hollywood.
What do you miss about being a student at Cal?
Being a grad student at Cal was an amazing experience. It was great to have the opportunity to take classes on a wide variety of topics from experts in those fields. The MOOCs today are great, but the experience is different.
Do you have any advice for current IEOR students?
Be curious, ask questions, and keep learning!