Emerging Applications in Materials Science and Advanced Manufacturing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Manyalibo J. Matthews, Ph.D. Division Leader, Materials Science Division Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Abstract: The demanding and ever-evolving missions of the Department of Energy call for increased responsiveness to the mission 'pull' while staying on the cutting edge of scientific advancements and anticipating programmatic needs through a technological 'push.' In this talk I will give

Online monitoring capabilities for harsh environments

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Shirmir D. Branch Chemist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Abstract: The application of online monitoring to harsh environments, such as nuclear waste streams or molten salt reactors, presents the potential to enhance fundamental processes while significantly reducing operation cost, risk, and time. Optical spectroscopy as an online monitoring tool serves as a rapid, non- destructive method

The SPARC Toroidal Field Model Coil and the high-field path to fusion energy

Zach Hartwig The Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor and Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Abstract: Recent advances in high field superconducting magnet technology have opened a pathway to achieving fusion energy on accelerated timescales that could enable fusion to play a role in combating global climate change. This talk will give an overview

Multi-scale multi-physics requirements for space reactors

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Vedant K. Mehta, Ph.D. R&D Engineer Abstract: Next-gen small nuclear reactors or microreactors are gaining significant attention due to their utilization extending to civilian, military, and space applications. A few of the unique features that distinguish these reactors from current fleet of commercial power plant reactors is their use of high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel, newer

Advanced Surveillance: Assessing Radiation–Induced Effects in RPV Materials

4101 Etcheverry Hall

Dr. Inge Uytdenhouwen Abstract: To monitor the degradation of nuclear reactor pressure vessel materialsinduced by neutron irradiation; dedicated surveillance programs are in place. Goal of these programs is to evaluate the effect of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties ahead of time compared to the real degradation of the reactor pressure vessel. Here the so

Long-lived radionuclides from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, and consequences for Pacific ecosystems and seafood consumers

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Nicholas Fisher Distinguished Professor School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York Abstract: After the Fukushima accident in March 2011, marine organisms, seawater and sediment were contaminated with both 134Cs and 137Cs that was released into coastal waters. We analyzed radionuclides in Pacific biota, including plankton, diverse invertebrates, and pelagic

Safe Enough? The History of Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Nuclear Safety.

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Thomas Wellock Historian Abstract: Since the dawn of the Atomic Age, nuclear experts have confronted a deceptively simple question: When is a reactor "safe enough" to adequately protect the public? And, for 70 years, they have pursued a deceptively simple answer that quantified the probability of a major reactor accident. In his presentation, Tom Wellock

Multi-scale modeling of Radiation Therapy – Bridging the gap from Physics to Biology

Via Zoom

Jan Schuemann, Ph.D. (he/him/his) Associate Professor Associate Director of Physics Research Head of the Multi-scale Monte-Carlo Modeling Lab Abstract: Modeling approaches offer a strong tool to understand mechanisms of complex processes, allowing us to probe correlations that are not accessible with experimental techniques. My lab uses the Monte Carlo method to investigate the effects of radiation

Planetary nuclear spectroscopy

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta NASA Postdoctoral Fellow (NPP) Abstract: Planetary nuclear spectroscopy is a blanket term used to describe gamma ray and neutron spectroscopy of planetary surfaces. Spectrometers of this kind are able to measure the bulk elemental composition of a planetary object from different platforms such as orbiters and landers. In this talk, I will

High-fidelity continuum kinetic simulations – a frontier in plasma modeling

3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Genia Vogman Computational Scientist Abstract: Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is an important medium in space physics and fusion energy applications. Its unique multi-scale properties give rise to complex behavior that is difficult to predict. In regimes where plasma particles collide infrequently, commonly used magnetohydrodynamic descriptions fail and kinetic physics of particle-particle and particle-wave

4153 Etcheverry Hall, MC 1730 (map) University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

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