Fall 2021 Colloquium Series
Latest Past Events
Don Olander and Light Water Reactor Materials: A Personal Memoir and Tribute
Bancroft Hotel 2680 Bancroft way, BerkeleyArthur Motta Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Penn State University This talk is an homage to Don Olander, as a special tribute to the enormous influence he has had on a whole generation of nuclear materials scientists, and a remembrance of my time at UC Berkeley, working under his supervision. The…
LBNL ‘s Applied Nuclear Physics program- developing concepts of radiation detection
3105 Etcheverry Hall 3105 Etcheverry Hall, BerkeleyNovember 19 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 3105 Etcheverry Hall **in-person**Join Zoom Meeting https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/97323901362?pwd=ditaL1dQNnRTR1c2Y09HMDAvbVJUUT09 Meeting ID: 973 2390 1362 Passcode: 608663 Brian Quiter Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Researchers in the Applied Nuclear Physics (ANP) program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have focused on developing new radiation detectors and radiation detection methods to solve problems related to…
Superconducting Magnets and the Path to Fusion Energy
Via ZoomBrandon Sorbom, Chief Science Officer Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) MIT, Ph.D., Nuclear Science and Engineering (2017) Loyola Marymount University, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics (2010) MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a new startup company focused on the rapid commercialization of fusion, are jointly pursuing a privately-funded, accelerated approach to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion…