Theresa Roeder


Theresa Roeder

Class of 2004


Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

What are you currently working on?
I spent a year visiting at UC Davis, then started my current job at SFSU.

What was the most important thing you learned while studying at Cal?
I do two types of research. The more practical side consists of often smaller projects that address a specific issue in my classes (e.g., assigning students to groups) or with student learning (e.g., the effectiveness of different types of peer evaluation feedback). More theoretical projects harken back to more to my student days, where I look at simulation enrichment or predicting how long to run Integer Programming problems in order to get "good enough" solutions.

What do you miss most about being a student at Cal?
The constant intellectual stimulation, and hanging out with my friends!

Do you have any advice for current IEOR students?
Try to take as much advantage as you can of all the amazing opportunities a campus such as yours affords you!